Tackling Saturated Fats: Making Heart-Healthy Choices

Saturated fats are a type of fat found in various foods, especially those that come from animals like fatty meats, butter, and full-fat dairy products. These fats are usually solid at room temperature and can be harmful when consumed in large amounts. Consuming too much saturated fat can increase the risk of developing heart disease […]

How can I stay well hydrated throughout the day?

Your body loses water all day long through sweating, breathing, and urinating. Plain drinking water is the best choice to replace those losses. Be environmentally-friendly and carry a reusable water-filled bottle if you are on-the-go, and keep a glass of water close by when you are at home. Drink up before you are thirsty. By […]

How Can I Eat Healthy on a Limited Budget

Healthy eating doesn’t have to be expensive. Buy fresh fruits and veggies that are in season when they typically cost less. When not in season, rely on canned and frozen veggies which cost less, last longer, and are just as nutritious as fresh. For expensive protein items, like beef or poultry, buy when they are […]

Minimize Sugar, Maximize Health

Minimize Sugar, Maximize Health Sugar makes food taste yummy and a little bit of sugar can be okay, but having too much can be bad. This is even more true for pregnant mothers and mothers with gestational diabetes who have a hard time handling sugar.  Know the Hidden Sugars Read food labels: Look for words […]

A Guide to Smart Grocery Shopping for Healthy Eating

A Guide to Smart Grocery Shopping for Healthy Eating Making smart choices at the grocery store can help you maintain a nutritious diet while sticking to a budget. In this, we’ll provide you with tips and advice on how to shop at the grocery store to make healthier and more affordable choices. Plan Ahead Make […]

How Do We Eat Healthy on a Budget?

Extension Educator Heather Perrachio from the UConn Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program shares healthy eating tips with a fall quinoa salad.

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