Minimize Sugar, Maximize Health

Sugar makes food taste yummy and a little bit of sugar can be okay, but having too much can be bad. This is even more true for pregnant mothers and mothers with gestational diabetes who have a hard time handling sugar. 

Know the Hidden Sugars

Replace Sugary Treats

Smart Beverage Choices

Home-Cooked Food 

Smart Snacking

Eat this not that 

Food Item Sugar Content (per serving) Serving Size Alternative Option
Regular Soda 39 grams 1 can (12 fl oz) Sparkling Water (unsweetened)
Flavored Yogurt 20 grams 1 small container Plain Greek Yogurt (unsweetened)
Sweetened Breakfast Cereal 12 grams 1 cup Rolled Oats with Fresh Berries
Fruit Juice 24 grams 1 cup Infused Water with Lemon or Mint
Store-Bought Smoothie 40 grams 1 bottle (16 fl oz) Homemade Smoothie with Fresh Fruit
Granola Bars 12 grams 1 bar Homemade Energy Balls
Fruit-Flavored Snacks 18 grams 1 small bag Fresh Fruit (e.g., Apple slices)


By making small changes and knowing hidden sugars, you can minimize sugar in your diet and keep yourself and baby healthy. With these tips, you can create a healthier eating routine while staying on a budget. 

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