Pregnancy can be filled with a mixture of emotions. You might move from excited to anxious to hopeful and terrified; all in the space of a few minutes. If you’ve previously had negative experiences of pregnancy, lost a baby, or it’s taken a really long time to get here – you might be feeling even more overwhelmed by the rollercoaster of emotions. This guided meditation uses affirmations and mantra to help you feel more grounded in your body. We set the intention to rewire those internal thoughts from “I’m scared” to “I’m safe” and allow the emotions to follow.

As I say the affirmations you might like to repeat them silently to yourself or just let the sound resonate in your body. Towards the end of this meditation we’ll repeat the sanskrit mantra “Om Namay Shivaya” which means “I bow down to Shiva” or “I bow down to the spirit within myself”. This mantra is about knowing and understanding our inner or higher self. Through practicing this mantra we work to shift those negative thoughts and lean into trusting the strength of our inner knowing. Again, you can repeat the mantra with me or just let the sound vibrate in your body.

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